Smart city

Smart City  A  More Ideal Solution For All The Citizens.

  • How smart streetlights work

The technology behind smart streetlights can vary depending on its features and requirements, but typically, it involves a combination of cameras and sensors. When implemented on standard streetlights, these devices can detect movement that enables dynamic lighting and dimming. It also allows neighboring fixtures to communicate with each other. If a pedestrian or car is detected, all surrounding lights will brighten until movement is no longer captured.

Capabilities of a smart streetlight

Additional capabilities of smart streetlights may require more technology, such as image sensors, seismic sensors, sound sensors, speakers, weather and water detection sensors, and wireless transmitters.

After smart streetlights are installed, most vendors offer software that can help cities monitor and manage the technology. This software can also be used to gather any data collected by the streetlights and adjust its features, such as dimming time.